How To Reset For The New Year
The New Year is the perfect time for a reset; offering a chance to start anew. Here at Aery, we’re not believers of the New Year, New Me mindset that creeps in each January. Instead, we like to see the New Year as a chance to reset after the busyness of the festivities, getting our routine back on track and prioritising the things that make us feel good. We’ve listed below just a few of the ways you can reset this month to get your year off to the best start.
Make time to reflect
Before diving into setting your goals and intentions for the year ahead, take the time to reflect on the achievements and lessons that 2023 brought, alongside the things you were grateful for. Give yourself a pat on the back for the things that made you proud of yourself, whether they’re big or small. This is a great exercise to do at the beginning of the year as we can often get wrapped up in the resolutions that we might not have stuck to, but when you list everything you did achieve, you can head into the New Year with a positive mindset.
Make a vision board
Making a vision board is a great way to visualise how you want your 2024 to look and feel. Not only is the activity itself a great way to reset your mindset and set your intentions for the New Year, it’s also something physical that you can refer to throughout the year. Just head to Pinterest and find images that reflect the year you’d like to have. You can either save this to an inspiration board or compile them into a collage that you can use as your screensaver so you always have a reminder of your 2024 intentions.
Declutter your space
No reset is complete without a declutter. Just like reflecting and making a vision board can help clear your mind, decluttering in the New Year is a great way to clear your space. You know the saying, a tidy space is a tidy mind. It doesn’t have to be anything big; you could set yourself a challenge of decluttering a section of your home each day so it feels more manageable. And remember, our wonderfully scented room mists complete any decluttering session. Just give your newly tidied space a little spritz when you’re done.
Be kind to yourself
As we mentioned, we’re not believers of the New Year, New Me mindset that pressures us at this time of year. It can be hard to tune out that noise, especially when the world is telling us we need to start loads of new ‘healthy’ habits. Remember to be kind to yourself and prioritise self-care and make sure to take time for yourself when you need it. Practice the things that make you feel good; whether that’s taking a long relaxing bath, having a digital detox or connecting with friends and family.