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Positive Thinking & Mood-Boosting Podcasts in the UK

Positive Thinking & Mood-Boosting Podcasts in the UK

Positive Thinking & Mood-Boosting Podcasts in the UK

Positive Thinking & Mood-Boosting Podcasts in the UK

At Aery, we’re all about creating spaces and moments that make life a little bit brighter. Whether it’s the scent of a calming candle or the comforting embrace of a cosy blanket, we believe in surr...

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Where are the pulse points

Where Are The Pulse Points?

In search of some pocket-sized aromatherapy? Look no further than our Pulse Point Roll Ons. With a quick swipe, you can experience your daily dose of calm, whether you’re at home or on-the-go. Our ...

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Summer Self-care Checklist

Summer Self-care Checklist

When the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, it can be easy to abandon your self-care routine. When we think of self-care, we often think of long warm baths by candlelight and cosy nights ...

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Wellbeing to do List for the summer months

Wellbeing to do List for the summer months

Ahh summer, a time which can bring sunshine, relaxation and adventure. As much as we love the warmth and excitement that summer brings, it can also bring its own set of challenges when it comes to ...

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Reset Your Routine

Reset Your Routine

Forget the New Year, Spring is officially the best time to reset your routine. While January is often seen as the only time to set your goals for the year, nature would suggest that the transitiona...

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person in pyjammas relaxing in bedroom setting with scented candle, pillow spray and cup of tea

5 Ways To Practice Self Love

While we love celebrating love in all its forms, there’s none as important as self-love. It’s easy to neglect the relationship we have with ourselves, so we’re here to help you prioritise loving yo...

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5 Ways To Look After Your Mental Health This New Year

5 Ways To Look After Your Mental Health This New Year

While the fresh start of a New Year offers a chance to reset, the high expectations during this time can be tough on our mental health. The pressure to set ambitious resolutions and the general the...

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How To Reset For The New Year

How To Reset For The New Year

The New Year is the perfect time for a reset; offering a chance to start anew. Here at Aery, we’re not believers of the New Year, New Me mindset that creeps in each January. Instead, we like to see...

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social setting with drinks and candles next to christmas tree

How to Slow Down This Christmas

With places to be and many people to see, Christmas has us all moving a little quicker. This change in pace can cause seasonal stress, not to mention the added pressure of creating the ‘perfect’ Ch...

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bedside table setting with sleep happy candle lit and sleep happy pulse point roll on

Self-care Rituals For Seasonal Affective Disorder

As the days get shorter and darker, it’s not unusual for feelings of winter blues to creep in. While we try to embrace the cosy season, there’s no denying that the lack of daylight in autumn and wi...

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cloud scape with sunset colours

5 Daily Habits To Support Your Mental Health

While there’s no go-to rulebook to live by when supporting your mental health, there are small habits you can introduce that will make a huge difference. Small steps lead to big change, so this Wor...

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before sleep aery candle displayed next to person reading on a bedside table along with matching diffuser and pulse point roll on

Best scented candles for sleep

 Sleep is fundamental to our overall wellbeing, and not getting enough of it can be detrimental to our health. In a world that’s designed to keep us awake and ‘always on’, it’s never been more impo...

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The Ultimate Guide to Indulgent Summer Sleep with Fable & Eve

The Ultimate Guide to Indulgent Summer Sleep with Fable & Eve

Amidst the whirlwind of activities and taking care of little ones, the soaring temperatures can often cast a shadow on our sleep quality. Yet, worry not, as we present the ultimate guide to ensure ...

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5 Simple Self-Care Practices to Reduce Stress and Boost Your Mental Health

5 Simple Self-Care Practices to Reduce Stress and Boost Your Mental Health

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but it doesn't have to take over. By practicing self-care, you can reduce stress and boost your mental health. Here are 5 simple self-care practices that you c...

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fresh fruit and veg in grocery store

From Junk Food to Good Mood 7 Foods That Boost Your Mental Health

We generally feel much better when we're sticking to a balanced diet - impacting on our mood and mental health. If you're looking to improve your mood and boost your mental health, try incorporati...

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person laying on bed reading a book

The Importance of Setting Boundaries for Your Mental Health and Well-being

We often try to be everything to everyone - the perfect employee, partner, friend, and family member. But in our efforts to please everyone, we can sometimes forget to take care of ourselves.

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Why stress awareness is important & how supplements and nutrition can help with HUX Health

Why stress awareness is important & how supplements and nutrition can help with HUX Health

This April is Stress Awareness Month. Stress is the body’s natural response when faced with challenging situations. While some stress can be beneficial, it can quickly become overwhelming if we don...

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Why is sleep so important for our wellbeing

Why is sleep so important for our wellbeing

This year's theme for World Sleep Day is Sleep is Essential for Health. Often life can get in the way and priorities can change meaning your sleep habits are affected and it's easy to overlook the ...

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How to manage Christmas stress?

How to manage Christmas stress?

Christmas, a time for catching up with family and friends, present buying, and holiday preparations. For what is known as ‘the most wonderful time of the year, often isn’t the case for everyone. So...

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How can house plants improve your mental health

How can house plants improve your mental health

This month we're partnering with our friends at Leaf Envy to bring you all things plant and wellbeing related. Like many of you, we're huge fans of a good house plant! And just the same as fragran...

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decoratively displayed bites of chocolate and nut no bake vegan brownies

Vegan no bake brownies

As we are in the midst of a long hot summer, and often still crave that something sweet. Why not try something that doesn't involve an oven, is super quick and full of flavour! Summer-time often co...

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Photo of a crumbled white bed spread and pillow in a dimly lit rook

5 Mistakes Your Making When it Comes to Sleep

Sleep is something we all do on a nightly basis but most of us still aren’t getting enough of it. A lot of us are guilty of making some critical mistakes when it comes to bedtime routines. So, what...

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close up image of mint leaves and slices of grapefruit on top of a brass counter top

Grapefruit and gin fizz cocktail

Inspiring you to re-purpose your candle jars to be used as some kitchen essentials in the form of new glassware additions. The onset of spring certainly calls for refreshing beverages here at Aery ...

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Top Five Essential Oils For Wellbeing

Top Five Essential Oils For Wellbeing

Whilst luscious fragrances are an important part of aromatherapy, that’s not all that it’s about. If used correctly, aromatherapy can be tailored to help with your wellbeing. With a wide range of e...

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stack of pancakes surrounded by maple syrup, blueberries and raspberries.

Pancake Day: Vegan Edition

It’s Pancake Day! This annual holiday is a great excuse to treat yourself to some delicious pancakes. Sweet or savoury you’ll be able to create your favourite stack with this tasty recipe below.  T...

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figure meditating in comfy clothes on a wooden floor next to a lit candle

Ways to Integrate Self Care Into Your Daily Routine

Looking after yourself is different for everybody and there is no one size fits all approach. Slowly working self-care into your everyday life is a great way to start and ideal if you don’t have ti...

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aviela skincare products displayed on top of a stool with folded pijamas and house plants in the background

Aviela's Patricia Monney's Self Care Routine

We caught up with Aviela's creator Patricia to get an insight into her favourite ways to look after herself in the day-to-day and find out her self-care tips. Aviela is a natural Shea Butter skin ...

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An Easy Vegan Mug Cake Recipe

An Easy Vegan Mug Cake Recipe

As a vegan company we thought we’d share some of our favourite recipes with you at the end of every month. One of our faves lately is vegan mug cake. This recipe is ideal for those of you with a sw...

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Fragrances for Mood Boosting

Fragrances for Mood Boosting

The January blues can be very real so if you’re looking to put a spring in your step then why not try a mood-boosting essential oil or fragrance. We’ve put together a top five fragrances to help yo...

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Our Favourite Sleep Books and Podcasts

Our Favourite Sleep Books and Podcasts

It goes without saying that a decent eight hours sleep is key to maintaining good health and wellbeing. However, sleep doesn’t come as easily for everyone. With this in mind, we’ve put together our...

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How to Optimize Your Sleep

How to Optimize Your Sleep

Sleep is essential for our health and wellbeing. It helps your brain and your body to recharge and feel refreshed for the day. A good night’s sleep also helps to boost your immunity and fend off th...

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5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Wellbeing this Winter With Ceri Lloyd

5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Wellbeing this Winter With Ceri Lloyd

Ceri Lloyd from Saib Yoga joins us by sharing her favourite things to do that boost her wellbeing in 5 simple steps.

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Banana Apple and Kale Smoothie

Banana Apple and Kale Smoothie

Our wellness week is all about regeneration, renewal and fresh starts. And we’ve all overindulged over the festive season, so we thought we’d provide you with a healthy green smoothie recipe packed...

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image with blue skies and orange meadow flowers

5 Ways we're refreshing and energising this season

If you’re struggling to think of ways, you can recharge your life then worry not! We’ve put together a few ideas of our favourite ways to change things up and kickstart your new year. Whether you’r...

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Five Steps to Perfect your Morning Routine

Five Steps to Perfect your Morning Routine

Having a good morning routine, tailored to you, is essential for starting the day on the right note and sets the tone for the rest of the day. So, we thought we’d share a few of our favourites for ...

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A Catch Up With Nina Pethers.

A Catch Up With Nina Pethers.

We caught up with the lovely Nina Pethers on one of our recent shoots in her fabulous home. An amazing home build that's sure to give you inspiration for all you interior dreams! We're in love with...

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Pairing essential oils and fragrance to your yoga practice

Pairing essential oils and fragrance to your yoga practice

Finding the perfect essential oils and fragrance for your yoga practice can be fun and inspiring. That’s why we've curated a few ideas for the ultimate yoga space and how to set the mood with the p...

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Our Top 5 Tips to Drift Off To A Dreamy Night's Sleep

8 Tips to Drift Off To A Better Sleep

Night-time routines look different for everyone but crafting one that works for you can do wonders for getting that restful night’s sleep you’ve been dreaming of. Creating evening habits that our b...

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Why baths are the ultimate self-care essential

Why baths are the ultimate self-care essential

Ever wondered why bath salts are good for you? We're outlining a few reasons why bath salts are our favourites and you'll always find them in our bathrooms. Mineral rich Epsom and Himalayan bat...

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Breath Work By Ceri Lloyd - Saib Yoga

Breath Work By Ceri Lloyd - Saib Yoga

What does breath work do? Ceri Lloyd guides you through a simple practice you can incorporate into your daily rituals along with why breath work is important. Committing to a regular breathing prac...

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Vegan Banana Bread Recipe from Lucy Lord

Vegan Banana Bread With Lucy Lord

A deliciously vegan-friendly banana bread from our friend Lucy Lord. With a fudge-y decadent texture this is perfect for mid morning coffee breaks and lunch box treats.

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Salted Chocolate Dipped Figs

Salted Chocolate Dipped Figs

One of the most simple yet indulgent snacks out there! Check out Lucy Lord's Salted Dark Chocolate Dipped Figs. Seasonal treats that are perfect for after dinner treats.

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Earl Grey Chai Seed Pudding From Lucy Lord

Earl Grey Chai Seed Pudding From Lucy Lord

Delicious and fuss-free! This earl grey chia seed pudding is ideal for easy nutritional breakfasts.

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Mindful Mornings

Slow Mindful Mornings

Create yourself a mindful morning and start your day right. Here we're sharing our favourite things to do in the AM to get us ready and motivated for the day ahead.

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The wellbeing benefits of dark chocolate with Love Cocoa

The wellbeing benefits of dark chocolate with Love Cocoa

We all love a bit of chocolate now and again, so what better to have than a stash of good quality fair trade chocolate ready to snack on in the evening or provide your guests with a post-dinner swe...

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aery candes on wooden tray on top of a blanket in bed with a coffee and a book

Embrace cosy culture

Providing you with our favourite selection of cosy candles evoking feelings of crackling log fires, burning embers, fallen leaves and warming red wine.  We are sharing our favourite things to do ...

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