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Article: Ways to Integrate Self Care Into Your Daily Routine

figure meditating in comfy clothes on a wooden floor next to a lit candle

Ways to Integrate Self Care Into Your Daily Routine

It seems like you can’t go anywhere these days without seeing the term self-care. There has never been more focus on looking after yourself and your wellbeing, which is great! However, self-care can be daunting, and it can be hard to know where to start. Looking after yourself is different for everybody and there is no one size fits all approach.

Slowly working self-care into your everyday life is a great way to start and ideal if you don’t have time for a twenty-step skincare regime every day! We’ve put together some of our favourite self-care tips that can be personalised to fit your daily lives and bring you that extra spark of joy!


Routine is so key to helping manage your day-to-day life. Giving yourself time and space to organise everything you need to do helps to reduce stress and also makes more time for the things that matter. Techniques like meal prep and using a planner can help you map out your week and stop you frantically rushing around. Finding a method that suits you, helps manage your daily tasks and reduces anxiety is a form of self-care and can really help you out in the long run. Check out our previous blog if you’re looking for tips to optimise your morning routines!

open journal with dates written inside it on a white table with pens and a mug next to it

Make Healthier Choices

Eating healthier and exercising more makes you feel better. Fact. Now we’re not talking about extreme fad diets or cutting out foods here. The pressure of sticking to a restrictive diet is actually often the reason people end up binging unhealthy food. Simply making choices like adding a fruit or salad option to your meal deal or taking the stairs instead of a lift is a great start. Eventually the effects of healthier living will improve your mood and your health. But don’t be too hard on yourself if you fancy something unhealthy from time to time, you’re only human! 

Hand pouring green healthy smoothie into a glass on a white marble counter top. There is a full glass of smoothie next to it.

Listen to Your Body

Being in tune with yourself can be hard for some people but it is so important for wellbeing. Finding out what you need, whether it’s through meditation or intuition is a great way to practice self-care. If you’re feeling burnt out and need to cancel social plans, then have a pamper evening instead! Or if your feeling pent up then make time to get moving and do some exercise, even if it’s just a few yoga stretches. As simple as it sounds, listening to what your body and mind need in the moment can help ease tension and increase wellbeing.

 Figure meditating in comfy clothes  on a wooden floor next to a lit candle in a ceramic pot.

Reward yourself

Some days are tougher than others. Have you completed a particularly challenging task today? Something you’ve been putting off for ages. Then reward yourself! It doesn’t have to be something huge (not unless it’s been a really bad day!). Simply buying yourself your fave snack, lighting your yummiest smelling candle or streaming your comfort show is a great way to treat yourself. Making time for the things you enjoy and being okay with taking some time just for yourself is a particularly important part of self-care.

Run bath filled with water. A wooden bath tray filled with bath accessories, a lit candle and other Parisian Rose products lays across the bath. There is a plant pot in background and natural light from window.

Self-care is different for everyone but essential to living a happy life. Some simple ways to integrate self-care into everyday life are by listening to your body, treating yourself, making healthy choices and getting a great routine solidified. All these help you spend more time doing the things that matter and less time stressing out! Which ways do you work self-care into your daily routines?

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